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South Dakota lawmakers advance Medicaid work requirement

South Dakota Republican lawmakers on Monday advanced a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow the state to try and force people on Medicaid to work despite federal policy prohibiting such requirements.

February is teen dating violence awareness month

About the author: This month’s column is a collaborative effort from DSS staff of the Human Services Center and Division of Behavioral Health. In 2021, the South Dakota Department of Health’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey Summary reported that 7.5% of public high school students experienced physical dating violence within the last 12 months.

Appreciating every day and every hour

I have a good friend who is seriously ill with late-stage cancer. When he was diagnosed about two years ago, he began to write and send a daily text thread to friends about his treatments, how he is doing, the weather, anything associated with astronomy, and a generous amount of philosophical thoughts. His personality is that of a thinker who appreciates the beauty of simple things. As I have read his thoughts and am allowed to see into his soul, it is such a blessing and encouragement to see the good work that God is doing in his life. He has gone through a lot more discomfort and challenges than we know. He has always been an optimistic person and now, even in his difficult moments, his light of love and hope cannot be hindered. The Bible mentions in Psalm 91:1-2 about finding a secret place with God where nothing and no one can penetrate, disturb, or threaten. It is a refuge where even though the storms may be intense and the violence of spiritual warfare may rage all around us, we are safe and at peace in His presence.

Grants available for child care expansion and startup

Governor Kristi Noem has approved the release of $12.5 million in federal funding over the next year to fuel the expansion and startup of new child care facilities in South Dakota. These grants will be administered by the Department of Social Services (DSS).

Snow, snow, snow!

South Central South Dakota was again blanketed with the white stuff Friday night and Saturday with an unofficial estimate of another ten inches. The snow brought with it bitter cold temperatures for several days, but this time the winds were gentle.

Is pumped storage the future of energy storage?

The Ludington Pumped Storage reservoir, mentioned by Marcus Galante, project developer for MidAmerican Energy Company during his portion of the Gregory County Pumped Storage public meeting on January 25, was built between 1969 and 1973. It sits on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan near Ludington MI. Able to hold enough water to power 1.6 million households, this and other pumped storage plants like have been called the “world’s largest batteries” because of the potential energy they are able to store.

Harding to face charges of animal neglect

Helen Ann Harding made her initial appearance in court on Wednesday last week for a charge of neglect of animals. The charges date back to November 2019 when the sheriff’s department began receiving several calls a week reporting the neglect of feeding and properly maintaining a place for the animals, which resulted in crop damage to her neighbors.

Seegers accused of embezzling

Trenton Seegers, former director of the Gregory/Dallas Chamber of Commerce, has been accused of embezzling a sum of more than $5,000 but less than $100,000 from the Chamber between March 16, 2022, and January 5, 2023.

Gregory County snow removal policies clarified

The Gregory County Highway Department would like to take the opportunity to clarify a misconception regarding snow removal activities across the county. Gregory County has implemented a new policy to employ residents on a part-time basis in the event of inclement weather.